Crane Lifting Safety Tips

Dec 8, 2018 | Jib Cranes

Cranes have made lifting in industrial and construction workplaces easy. They are among the important pieces of equipment you would find in any lifting agency. Several industries need cranes to perform their lifting jobs. Safety is essential in any mechanical industry; crane lifting is not left out. Talking of safety in crane lifting, it is vital to understand the right lifting techniques properly.

Mistakes should be avoided to the barest minimum when operating a crane. Any error can lead to critical injury of workers and people around or even loss of lives. In crane lifting, safety is essential. An operator should hold efficient and safe operation as a priority. The following are crane lifting safety tips to avoid mistakes that may lead to a disaster.

The operator must be qualified and have proper certification

Complex machines like cranes require specialty. The operator must have gone through appropriate certification to be qualified to operate the machine. They must understand every part of the machine and be familiar with all signals from it. Before anyone can be a certified crane operator, they must have undergone training and become licensed by the National Commission for the Certificate of Crane Operators. (NCCCO).

Thorough inspection of equipment and load

Before lifting gets done, the operator is expected to inspect the equipment. Cables and any booms should be checked for cracks or signs of wear. Any inappropriate condition should be reported so that the machine can get repaired. Loads should also be inspected to be sure that the limit of the equipment is not exceeded. Since each type of crane has a maximum capacity, loads should be checked to avoid overloading the crane.

Ensure that all workers maintain a safe distance from the equipment and the load

Workers on the ground should be reminded to keep a safe distance from the crane every time. At the time of operation, personnel in charge should make sure other workers are not within the perimeter of the load.

Get familiar with the crane controls

No matter the type of crane you are operating, ensure to familiarize yourself with the controls. Before the lifting operation, make sure to locate the controls to prepare for a smooth and easy operation.

Ensure to put all safety devices in place

It is essential to keep track of all safety devices before setting to work.