iSTRUT® – Kundel’s Newest Lightweight Building Material

Dec 23, 2019 | Framing

Kundel now has an exciting new line of products made with extruded aluminum. Extremely lightweight, These iSTRUT® Kits center around organization, safety, and productivity. The iSTRUT® Automation Kits will give the tool system that a craftsman can move, and or lift parts into his/her work area and move to assemble out safely and productively. All kits come with certified capacity and are designed to meet or exceed all required standards.

Be sure to visit here to view more of these great products.

3 Overhead Crane Issues Holding You Back And How to Fix Them

Overhead cranes are indispensable tools for material handling, but even the most seasoned experts recognize the challenges that can affect productivity and safety. Here are three common issues and effective solutions: 1. Wire Rope Degradation Wire ropes endure immense...