Options In Trench Safety

Apr 14, 2022 | Shoring, Stone Boxes, Trench Boxes, TrenchJacks

Kundel Options in Trench Safety

Trenching is dangerous and can even be fatal. Trench Safety is paramount to construction. Kundel Industries has built their family-owned business meeting the safety needs of their customers for over thirty years. Today we look at two options that are often used by Municipalities, Plumbers, and Excavation Contractors to ensure their crews’ safety. Both the Titan Basic 3 and the Safeguard Shorelite Lite offer budget friendly pricing and lighter weights while providing reliability in the field by being built to the highest standards.

Shorelite Lite v The Basic 3

Let’s compare these trench boxes as to what options each safety equipment offer, and how they can best suit your needs.

The Basic 3 6×6 

  • Meets OSHA Standards
  • Weighs 900 lbs.
  • Non-Modular Equipment
  • Best Used for Spot Repairs
  • Production Depth up to 24’
  • Solid Welded/Bend and Fold Design
  • Forged Spreader Pins
  • Affordable Steel Design

Shorelite Lite 6×6

  • Meets OSHA Standards
  • Weighs 326 lbs.
  • Modular Equipment
  • Best Used for Spot Repairs
  • Production Depth up to 14’
  • Fast Assembly and Easy Storage
  • Patented Pin-less Design
  • Great Operational Value


Jason Bova, Superintendent with J. S. Bova Excavating, had this to say about their purchase of the Shorelite Lite and Kundel Industries:
“When the guys in the field go to put them together, it’s very quick and efficient. The structure of the boxes is well designed. A very good company, and they are very good to us. They always have what we need.”
No matter what size job you are tackling, Kundel Industries manufactures the perfect trench safety equipment customized to meet your needs.