Analyzing Manufacturing

Mar 25, 2022 | Balancers, Cranes, Framing, Jib Cranes

Analyzing Manufacturing Trends and Material Handling

Analyzing trends in American Manufacturing is vital to company growth and a solid bottom line. A key component of any company’s assets are its people and the knowledge and skills they possess. As we reemerge from a two year long global pandemic, many companies regardless of size, are still feeling the pinch of labor shortages. However, manufacturing needs rage on for our country. For companies that manufacture heavy equipment, this can be especially challenging, and this is where Kundel Industries excels. HVAC equipment manufacturing companies are just one of many sects that must solve this problem for their industry. Kundel cranes offers overhead bridge cranes in various capacities including the SnapTrac, Ktrac, Strac, and Ttrac. Each can be customized and increase workforce safety and productivity.

Solutions that Stretch a Workforce

Kundel’s overhead, workstation bridge cranes expand the abilities of an employee to move materials effortlessly. Whether you’re looking at lifting smaller capacities with the ½ ton SnapTrac, medium capacities with the enclosed track, push-pull Ktrac, or heavier capacities up to 10 ton with the motorized Ttrac, ease of use is a hallmark trait of all Kundel’s material handling equipment. Training a large workforce to safely use Kundel’s overhead bridge cranes is easy and provides a great return on investment. And doing so expands employee cross training, makes your company more agile, increases workforce sustainability, and prepares employers for the unexpected.

Kundel’s Cranes Do the Heavy Lifting

Helping large companies solve issues in material handling with efficient utilization of an ever fluid workforce makes sense. Our impressive line-up of custom overhead bridge cranes with various capacities lends flexibility and solutions for companies as they continue America’s manufacturing legacy. Let Kundel help you move what you are making.



3 Overhead Crane Issues Holding You Back And How to Fix Them

Overhead cranes are indispensable tools for material handling, but even the most seasoned experts recognize the challenges that can affect productivity and safety. Here are three common issues and effective solutions: 1. Wire Rope Degradation Wire ropes endure immense...